As you get older, there are a lot of legal issues that you will be confronted with. If you don’t have much experience dealing with solicitors or lawyers in the past, this can be quite daunting. However, there are certain legal preparations that you need to make once you get past 50, and if you leave it too late, it could lead to a lot of difficulties for you and your family. There are also some unexpected legal problems that are more likely to come up as you get older. These are the big legal challenges you need to be prepared for once you pass 50. 


Relationships can break down at any age, so divorce is something that you may have dealt with already. However, as people get older and their priorities in life change, they may decide to go their separate ways. Divorce is more socially acceptable these days, so a lot of older couples that would not have divorced when they were younger are not considering it. If you’re happily married, this isn’t something that you like to think about, but it’s worth keeping in mind because the process can be quite long and complicated. Depending on the age of your children, you may need to attend an FHDRA Hearing to discuss custody. You will also need to file a financial order and decide how all of your assets are split. Hopefully, most of this can be settled amicably but if there is a lot of conflict, you will need to work with a legal professional to resolve it. 

Power Of Attorney 

A power of attorney appoints somebody to act on your behalf if you are unable to make decisions for yourself. This might not seem like something you need to do now because you’re still in good health. However, if your health deteriorates rapidly and you haven’t appointed somebody to handle your affairs, things can get very difficult. You will need somebody to help you buy a retirement property and arrange for medical care etc. It’s much better to get ahead of things and do it now, so if the worst does happen, you have a plan in place. When deciding who to appoint, think carefully about who you trust to manage your estate. You should also choose somebody that works well under pressure and has a good relationship with everybody in the family.

Estate Management 

This is another legal issue that people don’t always think about until it is too late. You need to have a clear plan in place for what happens to your assets after you are gone. In some cases, the person you appoint as power of attorney will make these decisions, but it’s best if you write a detailed will now, while you are still able to make those decisions. The power of attorney will enact the will exactly as you have written it, so you can make sure that everybody in your family is looked after properly. 

Dealing with these legal challenges can be tough if you don’t have much experience. However, as you pass 50, they are more likely to come up, so you need to be prepared.