On 7th March a new film about the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer will be released in cinemas across the UK and Ireland, but why is his story still relevant today?
A Story of Faith, Courage, and Resistance in the Face of Injustice
In the tumultuous backdrop of World War II, emerges the compelling true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a man caught in the crossfire. Directed by Todd Komarnicki (writer of Sully), this film offers not only a historical perspective on one of the darkest periods of the 20th century but also serves as a powerful meditation on moral courage, faith, and the cost of standing against injustice. In an era of loud voices in a polarised political climate, the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor and theologian who quietly resisted the Nazi regime during World War II, remains relevant today. Bonhoeffer’s choice to risk everything, including his life, challenges us all to reflect on the power of sacrifice and the importance of hope and action in the face of immense danger or personal loss.
“In 1933, when Hitler attained power in Germany, the first thing he took over was the German church. He used his brute nationalism to sway church leadership to his way of seeing the world. Within months, Bibles and crosses disappeared from sanctuaries, replaced by copies of Mein Kampf and the ever present swastika.
“One man inside the church decided that political courage was an act of faith, and to stand silent in the face of evil, was in fact, evil itself. “Bonhoeffer” is the story of that man. Dietrich Bonhoeffer. A son of privilege who traded his very life to fight against Hitler and to stand in the breach to protect the lives of innocent Jews. A man whose books, many of them written in prison, have sold countless millions over the decades. A hero whose statue stands outside Westminster Abbey next to MLK Junior’s. A human being who decided that his life was worth trading if it meant another man could go free.
“Political courage has essentially disappeared in 2025. We live in a time where to open your mouth, let alone your heart, will unleash a trap door beneath our feet. We love to pile on, but we dare not stand out. Dietrich Bonhoeffer still stands as a lighthouse, to remind us that we need each other. That we are all connected. And where one man suffers, we all do.”
Lessons for Today
The lessons from Bonhoeffer’s life are just as relevant today as they were in Nazi Germany. In our own time, we continue to witness the rise of political extremism, racial injustice, and human rights violations. The question of how to respond to these threats—whether through passive resistance, active protest, or moral clarity—is still a pressing issue. For those who have lived through generational struggles for justice, Bonhoeffer offers a poignant reminder that silence in the face of evil is not an option.
Bonhoeffer’s life challenges us all to reflect on the cost of our choices. In his case, standing up for justice meant risking everything, including his life. Bonhoeffer will resonate deeply, offering reflections on the personal costs of moral conviction, the complexity of discerning the right course of action when there is darkness all around, and the importance of our need for hope and action in the face of immense danger or personal loss.
For many people who have lived through eras of political turbulence, Bonhoeffer offers a valuable opportunity to reflect on where we are today. Bonhoeffer’s legacy continues to inspire those who seek to live a life of integrity in a world torn by polarisation, and this film serves as a reminder of the profound impact just one individual can have in the face of systemic injustice.
Bonhoeffer will be in cinemas from 7th March, visit bonhoefferfilm.com to get your tickets.